Publisher |
Gaultier |
Images courtesy of Marika Pirie. |
Location |
Boulogne |
Card numbers have been added for the purposes of cataloging only. |
Date |
1. Jan 1918
2. Nov 1917 |
Cards Set |
n/a |
There’s so much running … |
1 |
Were it not for that brute … |
2 |
OP 1 |
There’s so much running around to do, it is rather difficult to write. |
Use of Tin Cans for transporting water

Water supplies were a constant problem throughout the war and the frequent lack of clean water often led to severe and debilitating gastric illnesses. The Germans frequently poisoned water supplies when they retreated from an area.
Note: This card is very similar in style to the “Cheerful Tommy” series, and was published around the same time. |

OP 2 |
“Were it not for that brute, we could do some business over there!”
“Sans cet affreux boule-dogue, nous pourrions continuer là-bas!”* |
*Literally: “Without that awful bulldog, we could keep going over there!”
Kaiser Wilhelm II and his son Wilhelm, German Crown Prince

This politically flavoured card may refer to the Kaiser's reportedly odd habit of "stealing" furniture from his relatives, as a metaphor for empiric land grabs. In this instance perhaps he is looking across the channel at his kin in England and the only thing stopping him is the "British Bulldog". |
Sammy in France / Les Américains en France
Publisher |
Gaultier |
Images courtesy of John Place (1-3) and Peter Doyle. |
Location |
Boulogne |
Card numbers have been added for the purposes of cataloging only. |
Date |
Jan 1918 |
Cards Set |
n/a |
Card Banners |
Thinking of you all. |
1 |
2 |
Here I am safe and well |
The Shadow of a Coming Event. |
3 |
Thinking of you ! |
Snow here, just like at home |
4 |
SF 1 |
Thinking of you all. |
SF 3 |
The Shadow of a Coming Event. |
SF 4 |
Snow here, just like at home |
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